Monday, October 29, 2012

Why the World Loves Steel Buildings

The world loves steel buildings – and for a number of very good reasons. Whether you’re considering a small residential project or a large-scale industrial project, steel buildings offer advantages and benefits you just won’t get with other types and methods of construction. These are just a few of the many benefits you’ll get when you decide to build with steel.
Earth-Friendly Materials
Most metal used in steel building construction is recycled, so you’re not using any more of the earth’s precious resources. In addition, steel buildings are recyclable, so when your structure is no longer of use, it won’t be contributing to the mess in landfills and waste streams. In fact, the amount of waste from one typical size steel building will fit into one cubic foot of space. Compare that to the 40 or so feet of space taken up by the waste from a typical wood-frame house.
Earth-Friendly Delivery
When you choose to use a steel building for your project, you’re being friendly to the earth in other ways as well. For example, all of the pieces and components for steel buildings are typically constructed in one factory and shipped out to you on one truck. By comparison, the materials needed for the typical wood-framed house are transported from all over the world on dozens of trucks. Steel buildings make less of a carbon footprint on the environment, and the delivery is just one more example of how that works.
Quick Construction
The typical steel building goes up much more quickly than any other type of construction. Garages made of steel, for example, typically take one to two days to frame and erect once the foundation is laid. Less construction time means reduced costs and quicker tenancy. You can get into your new metal building in less than half the time it would take to get a wood frame or concrete building framed.
Affordable Prices
Steel is still one of the most affordable building materials available. Between the cheaper prices for steel and the reduced construction and fabrication costs, steel buildings are easily among the most affordable choices for nearly any kind of construction or building you have in mind.
Whether you want to add a garage, a workshop, a storage building or a home office, steel buildings make the most sense. From a cost perspective, metal buildings are simply more affordable. From an environmental perspective, they put less strain on the earth, and from an owner’s perspective, they are far easier to build and maintain over the years.

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