Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Design Elements of Steel Buildings

Small steel buildings – the type most commonly used as storage sheds, garages, barns and home offices or workshops – come in several different designs or styles. Each of the major style types has several variations, and can be fabricated in a wide variety of colors. When you add trim and custom design elements, you can end up with a completely unique steel building that perfectly suits the design aesthetic of your property and your community. When you’re choosing a steel building for your own property, consider these design elements to help you make your decision.
Standard styles for steel buildings include several different basic shapes. They include:
Quonset Buildings
The original hoop/arch style construction was used by the military during World War I and II. They’re easy to erect and tear down, and provide a great deal of stability and interior footage. Like most small steel buildings, they require no interior posts or supports, so you have completely unobstructed interior space.
P-Style Steel Buildings
One disadvantage of Quonset buildings is that the slope of the walls makes the area closest to the building walls difficult to use efficiently. The solution is the P-model metal building, which keeps the structural stability of the rounded dome roof but adds the functionality of straight walls.
A-Style Steel Buildings
The third common variation of small steel buildings is the A-frame steel building. It has both a pitched roof and straight sides, making it the most similar in shape to conventional buildings. It’s a good choice in an area where appearance is important and where building standards require a pitched roof for snow safety.
These styles of steel buildings can be made in widths as wide as 50 feet without any need for interior supports, and lengths as long as you have the space to build.
Trim Packages
Steel building trim packages include a trim piece anywhere two angles meet, as well as gutters. The trim can be the same color as your metal building or a contrasting or coordinating color. Many homeowners choose main colors and trim colors that match the existing buildings on their property.
The roof of your steel building is a separate design element, though it’s usually fabricated and delivered at the same time as the remaining components. Homeowners often choose energy efficient roofs, often painted in a light color to help keep the interior of the building cool. In cold regions, an energy efficient roof might be painted dark instead to help with heat conservation and snow melt.
In addition to the basic components of standard steel buildings, you can also choose many different styles of doors, windows and even skylights. By the time you’ll have a completely customized, one-of-a-kind metal building that’s perfect for your needs.

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