Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Five Best Advantages of Steel Buildings

There are a lot of things to love about steel buildings. Whether you’re looking at steel buildings for barns, garages, storage buildings, commercial buildings, a home workshop or additional living space – mother-in-law apartment, anyone? – steel buildings offer benefits you don’t get with other types of construction. No matter what your needs are, a steel building can be customized to fit them. Here are our five favorite things about metal buildings.
Steel Buildings Are Durable
Modern metal buildings are made of 100 percent recycled heavy gauge steel. They’re custom-engineered to meet all applicable building and safety standards. When they’re correctly installed, steel buildings will withstand most weather and environmental incidents, including hurricane force winds and earthquakes. The steel building you put up today will still be standing in 50 years or even longer.
Steel Buildings Don’t Leak
Specially engineered roof and side panels make today’s steel buildings virtually leak proof. In fact, the best metal buildings are essentially weather-tight. And if you choose an energy-efficient roof for your new metal building, you’ll save money on your energy costs every single month.
You Get Lots of Usable Space
Most steel building designs need no interior posts or beams, which gives you lots of unobstructed interior space. That allows for practically unlimited options when you’re designing your floor plan, not to mention much more storage space if you’re building backyard storage. And when it comes to garages, the lack of interior posts means you don’t have to worry about dinging your door on a metal post when you open it.
You Save Money
From manufacture through use, you’ll save money every step of the way when you choose steel buildings. Metal buildings are made with one of the least expensive building materials in use today – heavy gauge steel. They’re delivered to your building site ready to assemble, so your contractors don’t have to spend time building framing walls – they can get right to work putting up your building. And in most cases, you’ll only need a cement slab foundation, which is considerably cheaper than a full basement. And once your building is up, you’ll save money on maintenance – steel buildings are as close to maintenance-free as it gets.
You Get Into Your Building Faster
Steel buildings go up much faster than equivalent size traditional buildings. That means you spend less money on construction time and get to start using your new metal building much sooner.
Whatever your needs are for more space, consider the many advantages of steel buildings in making your choice.

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