Monday, August 19, 2013

Steel Buildings as Storage Sheds

One of the most common uses for steel buildings is as a garden shed or back yard storage shed. Choosing the right structure means thinking through a number of considerations to make sure you’ve chosen the metal building that will most suit your needs. These five considerations all should play a part in your final decision.
What Will You Use It For?
When planning your steel building, be sure to think ahead into the future. Most experts suggest, for example, that you automatically add 20 percent to the amount of square footage you think you need to allow for the inevitable expansion. But there’s even more to thinking ahead than anticipating the need for more storage. Is there a chance that you’ll want to convert your storage shed to a home office or workshop in the future? Some types of steel buildings are extremely easy to expand if you need more space. Others will require you to start from scratch.
How Soon Do You Need It?
Steel buildings may go up more quickly than other structures, but you’ll still need to block out time for putting in a foundation, doing the construction and completing the finish work. The amount of time you’ll need will be influenced by the size and complexity of the project, as well as the number of people you’ll have working with you. Before you commit yourself to doing the project yourself, make a point of talking with others who have done so in the past to get their insights and advice. You may decide that it makes more sense to hire a contractor to do the actual erection.
What Kind of Foundation Will You Need?
When ordering a steel building, be sure to find out from the manufacturer what sort of foundation is needed. Steel buildings are much lighter per square foot than similarly sized wood or concrete structures, but they’ll still need some sort of foundations to hold them up. At the very least, you’ll need to sink concrete posts and set anchor bolts to hold your metal building in place. Because the foundation is so vital to your building’s structural integrity, most manufacturers recommend that you hire a contractor to lay the foundation.
What Kind of Permits Do You Need?
Before you order a metal building, check with your local zoning and codes office to find out what kind of permits you’ll need to erect it. In addition to permits, you should also get a copy of the local building codes. The manufacturer will need them to design a building that’s safe for your region.
What Is Your Budget?
Your final consideration is budget. While steel buildings are extremely affordable, it’s important to remember that there will be a few expenses that aren’t included in the price of your building, such as permit fees, construction costs and the cost of a foundation. Take the time to figure out what you can afford, and let the sales person know your general budget range so he can make appropriate suggestions for your needs.

1 comment:

  1. Storage facilities are the common needed facilities nowadays. There is a Self storage management software to handle the business.
    Self storage management software
